Refrigerating Tips for Freshness

When you shop for meat, poultry, fish or dairy products (and we hope you do at Peacock Poultry Farm) you’ll want to ensure that product freshness and quality will be maintained up to the time the meals are prepared. “The Food Keeper” is a useful consumer guide or food quality and safe handling developed by […]

Handling Food Safely In Your Home

Our Peacock Poultry Farm team takes the utmost care to ensure that all our products are processed, packaged and stored before you make your purchase.  That means you’re getting not only the freshest but also the safest meats, poultry and fish available for your family. Unfortunately, many cases of food borne illness occur each year […]

Hooray for Summer!

Well, the first major warm weather holidays of the year have come and gone.  No need to shed a tear because there are still plenty more to come!  The Fourth of July will be here before you know it. But wait… don’t forget that Father’s Day is the next special day on the calendar, June […]

April Traditions of Ham & Eggs

That’s right!  The first big holiday of the year (if you exclude New Year’s) is Easter.  For many folks that means a traditional and delicious ham to be served at the dinner table.  But if you’re like a lot of people there’s usually a healthy portion remaining for future meals. Unlike a ham that takes […]

Spring Clean Your Diet

Regardless of the weather outside, the calendar says Spring is just around the corner.  Hooray for that! Hopefully everyone’s got all the junk-food eating out of their system on Fat Tuesday and ready to spring clean the refrigerator and their diet.  You can start the process by shopping with us at Peacock’s Poultry Farm for […]

Keep Those Hearts Happy & Healthy

Did you know that February is ‘American Heart Month?’  That’s right … but don’t stop there.  You should be eating healthy EVERY month! Heart disease is known to be the leading cause of death in the U.S.  The good news is that by making healthy changes in our lifestyle and choices in what we eat, […]

New Year, New You.

New Year, New You.  The holidays are over, the vacation days are used up and 2014 is now in full swing.  There is no reason why 2014 can’t be your healthiest year yet, and at Peacock’s Poultry Farm we’re fully stocked and ready to meet your needs to provide you and your family with chemical- […]

Healthy Eating… It is an Option

Just how much extra chemicals, preservatives and additives go into the food that you and your family eat on a daily basis?  It has been found that in the United States, consumers spend nearly 90% of their food budget on foods that are processed!  And when you think that nearly all processed foods contain additives […]

Amish Farming…What’s The Difference?

What is the difference between an Amish farm and a “regular” farm?  What differentiates between livestock and produce raised in each, and why should it matter to me? An Amish farm uses farming techniques that have been developed and refined over nearly 300 years by generations of Amish families.  Farm labor is driven by livestock […]

Peacock’s Get The “Chills”

Thank you to all of our loyal customers for the years of support. In response to the growing demand, we have constructed over 8,000 sq feet of cooler space to hold the ‘birds’ come the holidays.  To put this into perspective, this equates to over 5 FULL SEMI-TRUCKS of turkeys (125+ pallets). Just like everything […]